I have been operating and building software since early 2008.
This is a collection of small articles regarding software engineering I have learnt and experienced along the way.
Here are a couple of utilities I created that are available for free public use.
A browser interface to invoke methods on a Java Jayway JsonPath Implementation
A comprehensive list of all Amazon Web Service products that helps identify whether a service name begins with Amazon, or AWS. Includes aggregated RSS and Atom feeds about AWS from across the web.
I write short-form Today I Learnt content here: https://github.com/psumiya/til
Disclaimer: The contents on this site reflect my personal opinions and do not reflect opinions of the employer where I am presently employed.
- Accountability and Blameless Feedback
Accountability matters. Without it, we can’t improve. But accountability should focus on learning, not punishment. Some ideas on how to think about post-failure action items.
- A.I. Overview of my blog - My Theory of Improvement for Software Engineering Teams
I asked NotebookLM to generate an audio summary of my blog My Theory of Improvement for Software Engineering Teams.
- On Performance related feedback
I write about the missing piece in feedback conversations that would have helped me and may help others.
- 2024 - Year in Review
… in which I list books I read and some podcasts I listened to in 2024.
- My Theory of Improvement for Software Engineering Teams
I write about my personal framework I use to build and maintain a high performance software engineering culture.
- Enhancements to amazonoraws.com - November 2024
A summary of new features I recently added to my site amazonoraws.com: filtering AWS products by year, and an aggregated feed of AWS news from across the web.
- Json Path Evaluator Under the Hood
This page describes how I set up my Json Path Evaluator tool (available here: https://sumiya.page/jpath.html)
- AWS Lambda Latency Metrics for Java Runtime
Latency Metrics for a couple of Java Runtime based AWS Lambdas
- Java / JDK Release History
List of Java versions and the features released in the corresponding versions
- Custom Java Runtime for AWS Lambda
Build a slimmed and enhanced JRE and use it as a custom runtime for AWS Lambda, using gradle and docker
- When Not to Use Kubernetes
Some thoughts after having used Kubernetes in production.
- My experience with Terraform and Kubernetes
A war story of how I went from knowing nothing about Terraform and Kubernetes to successfully completing a migration off from Cloudformation and EC2 into Terraform and EKS.
- My Experience with Scala
My experience after having learnt and used Scala for six months.